Visby Medical to Exhibit at Emergency Nursing 2022

Visby will be exhibiting at Emergency Nursing 2022 (ENA), a premier professional nursing conference dedicated to defining the future of emergency nursing through advocacy, education, research, innovation, leadership, and more.
Visby Tech in the Deep South: How an Alabama Urgent Care is Using Visby

Patients can now get results from PCR tests the same day thanks to new testing choices like Visby.
Visby Medical to Exhibit at ACEP 2022 Scientific Assembly

Join Visby Medical at ACEP 2022, an educational and networking conference hosted by the American College of Emergency Physicians.
Visby to Exhibit at the 28th AACC International CPOCT Symposium

Come see Visby Medical at the 28th AACC International CPOCT Symposium, a gathering designed to meet the needs of laboratory professionals.
Visby Collaborates with Urgent Care Leaders in Scottsdale, AZ

Visby Medical will exhibit at the 14th Annual ConvUrgent Care Symposium. Since 2008, this conference has gathered healthcare leaders into a community around the increasing consumerization of medical care.
Why Should We Test for Trichomonas?

Trichomoniasis, commonly known as “trich,” is one of the most common sexually transmitted infections (STIs). It is caused by a one-celled parasite, Trichomonas vaginalis. Men and women are affected by this infection, but it occurs more often in women.
Video Highlights from Visby Medical’s Breakfast Panel at 2022 IDSOG Annual Meeting

Watch video highlights from “The Neglected Epidemic: A Panel Discussion about the Value Rapid POC PCR brings to Reproductive Health” panel discussion at the 2022 IDSOG Annual Meeting.
Visby Medical Exhibits at 2022 IDSOG in Boston

For two great ways to learn about Visby rapid PCR, stop by table #6 or catch the breakfast panel discussion on Thursday, August 4 at 7am, all at Revere Hotel Boston Common in Boston, August 4-6.
Visby Medical to Exhibit at 2022 AACC in Chicago

2022 AACC will showcase the future of laboratory medicine, which includes Visby Medical rapid PCR for the point of care which can help ease lab backlogs.
Visby Connects with City and County Health Officials at NACCHO in Atlanta

Visby brings point-of-care PCR to the deep south with an appearance at NACCHO360.